Ann (アン, ) is a secondary character in Sand Land anime and video game series. She is the estranged later reunited niece of Beelzebub and the former Princess of Forest Land. She is an expert mechanic, as shown to have interest of such from a very young age. After her mother was sealed away by Muniel she and the other generals and guards formed a resistance group to take down Muniel and Commander Bred to stop them from using Garam, unseal her mother and free her land from Muniel's rule.

Ann concept art by Akira Toriyama as featured in Sandland Master Mechanical Plan art book
Ann was designed and conceptualized by Akira Toriyama. Ann is a fairly tall teenager with Long blond braided hair and Olive Green eyes. She wears a Blue Sweatshirt croptop, ties a long red scarf and a similar colored sarong around her waist, blue shorts, occasionally shown to wear sand resistant goggles when driving her motorcycle, light brown gloves and brown military desert boots with long purple socks. In the Sand land game she is shown to wear a necklace and in both medias carries a brown sling bag which contain her tools and other accessories.
In her adolescence, Ann was shown to wear a white Sailors uniform with much shorter hair tied as a pigtail.
Ann is a rebellious, strong-willed teenage girl who fights for freedom and the rights of others. She is very close with her parents especially her mother and when she was sealed away, Ann vowed to unseal her and save her father from his execution.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Engineering Skills - Ann has the skill as an exceptional engineer since she was a six years old. She also used her skills to divert the Aquanium energy from being a weapon to water-producing method.
- Untapped Demon powers - Ann is shown to have Demon powers similar to her mother and her side of the family however, she has never really tapped into her true potential in the series and is shown to use it for a short moment when getting away from the Forest Land soldiers by giving out a loud shriek which was enough to knockout the soldiers. The reason for her not being able to use them is because of how she was separated from her mother at a very early age and barely knew anything about her side of the family due to how Humans and Demons had distrust with each other and hence never received any formal training.

Ann's motorcycle from the Sandland game.
- The motorcycle featured in the Sandland Video game which is driven by Ann during her debut and serves as a customizable vehicle is identical to Bulma's capsule #9 motorcycle which she drove in the first chapter of the Dragon ball Manga and was featured on the same chapter's cover.